Why is making money in a Healthcare Practice So difficult? DOES it really have to be?

Aug 01, 2023

So many doctors these days are getting the "shaft" by insurance companies that Just do not pay them what they are worth! What you want to school for 6 plus years for. 

I mean you are a specialist, a caretaker of people, saving lives each day RIght? You should be rolling in the dough, but why aren't you? 

Insurance companies have the upper hand and the government has the upper hand. They set the rules and our providers just have to keep "accepting" the rules. It's a bunch of bullshit!

It is unfair and I know because I have been in the revenue cycle industry for over 11 years and I have seen reimbursements decline and decline.

It truly saddens me that our doctors, ARNP's, general practitioners, and all other providers bust their assess day in and day out to help their patients, pay their staff, and just be able to live but keeping getting shafted because they have to play  by the rules of whatever contract or fee allowance is set by the insurance companies.

I know if you are reading this blog YOU GET IT! 

Sometimes you probably wonder why did I get into this industry, maybe I should have chosen a different path. 

We have all had these thoughts, but there are ways to still make money in the healthcare field as a business owner, you just have to make sure you understand WHY you are NOT making the money and I have helped many providers, Revenue Companies and all businesses in Healthcare that I have worked with do so.

Check me out and let me know if you are READY to start making more money now



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